Home and Small Business

Ultrasonic Tank Monitors for Home and Small Business Use

This category of Tank-Monitors are line of economical products to monitor home applications, such as Heating Oil, Water, Waste Water and similar, as well as distributed applications for businesses, such as distributed tanks for Diesel, Heating Oil, Lubricants, DEF and similar.

Eco – Oil Monitor

The Eco Oil Monitor provides a fast and convenient overview of the heating oil consumption in the tank. It displays the content, consumption and remaining days of supply.

When entering the average price for heating oil, it will also display the cost of the fuel consumed.

10 bar Standalone Gauge

This 10 bar standalone gauge is a quick and economical way to see the content of your tank. It is easy and quickly set up.

10 bar gauge with remote display

This gauge is similar to the standalone 10 bar display, but it provides a convenient remote display, which can be indoors, or within an office up to 150ft away.

Remote monitoring broadband modem

The wireless gauges shown above can also connect to the internet and provide the measurement information through a browser. This service requires a subscription.