LRC for LPG Propane Delivery from Truck/Bobtail
The LRC Small/Gas System controlles automatically the tank level limit. If the admissible level is reached the filling is stopped automatically when the LPG level reaches the limit probe. Additionally the operator can interrupt/stop the filling immediately by using the LRC-Small handheld device or the LRC-Small/Remote device during the filling process or change the rotationary speed. The filling process can also be restarted any time directly on the LRC-Small handheld device or the LRC-Small/Remote.
In countries where a limit probe is not obligatory and not used, the overfill prevention is done by the EX-proofed LRC-Small/Remote device. A deadman is activated (dead-man-time can be set customer specific ) and the operater presses the Stop-button as soon as the tank is full, to close the valve on the tanker-truck and release a fill-stop (radio-controlled).
The LRC Small controls the pump management during the delivery process.
Using LRC Small in combination with an overfill probe, prevents spilling and overfilling with 100% safety.
LRC Small is approved for use in hazardous areas, EX-areas and non-EX areas as well.